Category: Economy
House Prices – the factors affecting the market
In recent times the property market has acted in a way that’s not coherent with a shrinking economy or a pandemic situation. It became very difficult for us as property investors and traders to buy properties in these market conditions. One property that we were looking to buy was listed at auction for £46k and…
The 2020 – 21 Pension Crisis – A Covid Repercussion.
There’s a big shock coming.It isn’t what you think it is either, it’s under the surface bubbling and churning, just waiting to explode. It’s pensions. You see, pension pots are mostly invested in the stock market and the stock market has crashed, the latest BoE figures say that April – June will see 25% economic…
Brexit, Buffett, being stimulated, house prices and cycles
Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit… If you want to know where I stand then…You’ll never know because to publicly come out is far too divisive! They do the okey cokey and they turn around, that’s what it’s all about. On property though I can give you a low down from an investors perspective.There were…