Wales is 8005.8 square miles and has a population of 3,063,456 people (as of 2011) which 241,300 of those live in Swansea (as of 2011). means that a huge 7.87% of the population of Wales lives in Swansea.To put that into context, approximately 14% of the population of England live in the greater London area.
House price movements
Swansea has seen huge growth in house prices over the last 20 years, using zoopla averages we can take a look at the whole market, however, if you look at the data properly and choose the correct area of Swansea rather than just Swansea itself your results could multiply.You can read more about this in my article on Swansea in the Uk property market.All Zoopla data below comes from
Property prices double every 20 years? In Swansea the last 20 years the average property appreciated 223%.
This has continued into the past 12 months where, despite Brexit uncertainty, the area of Swansea has been holding firm due and doing well.
The labour market of Swansea
Swansea’s labour market has an unemployment rate of 6% which puts it miles ahead of other Welsh areas, particularly Newport which has seen a lot of recent property investment due to the toll on the Severn bridge being removed. It is the opinion of this writer and the team here at Key Properties Uk that Newport is in a property bubble right now, overly reliant on AirBus with brexit looming and investors possibly a little over excited about the uplift from the bridge toll being removed.Time will tell of course but we have researched the area fully and it does not meet the requirements of stage 1 or 2 of our 21 point property checklist which you can download here.
Swansea sees 241,300 people, over 7% of the Welsh population compacted into one geographically limited area between the M4 and the sea.
Swansea is the only city in the West of Wales with the workforce size to be able to serve the entire geographical area.
The crime rate in Swansea is relatively low as compared with other areas of the U.K., it is a reasonably safe place to live and work, there are, as with any place, areas to avoid but these are relatively quaint as compared to the rougher areas of other UK cities.
These are the major statistics of Swansea, as you can see, it meets all the requirements of our 21 point property checklist and is an area of great potential for growth.It is the area that my article about how to make £50k from a £100k property and get all of your money out is based on.Click here to read more on that
What do you think of Swansea as an investment area? Do you agree with our analysis?Let us know below.
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